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I am honoured to have graduated from the Haute Ecole de Musique in Lausanne. These have been two years full of inspiration thanks to my dear teacher Letizia Belmondo. Also, I am  happy to have had the chance to compete in the 10th International Harp Competition in Bloomington, Indiana. 

Read more about the competition here.




It has been nearly a month since I joined the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich, after winning the audition for the harp position at their Orchestral Academy.

These will be a very busy and exciting two years!




I'm very happy to announce that I have won third prize at the 5th International Harp Competition "Suoni d'arpa" in Saluzzo, Italy.





I am really looking forward to the 2015/16 concert season of the Bern Symphony Orchestra, which I will join having won the one year Praktikum harp position!





For those who missed the Wiener Festwochen, it is covered briefly here





I am very honoured to be joining the famous Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester for their special opera project at the Wiener Festwochen in June 2015!

Click here for more info.  





A few words about the Second Kraków Harp Days available here.





Thank you everyone for such an amazing weekend full of great people, wonderful music and fantastic harps from Les Harpes Camac! I feel very honoured to have taken part in Dni Harfy w Krakowie





Welcome to my new website where I hope to share some updates with you.

Please stay tuned for upcoming events and feel free to contact me if you have any queries.

Best regards - Klara

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